What's in Store for You
Check out our main events and activities below
Learn more about upcoming events and stay up to date with the latest news
A wide variety of firms are invited for Speaker Meetings, allowing students to learn more about the firm and network with the professionals. The firms range from small to Big 4 and private to government.
MTF is the most important networking event our organization holds for professionals and students in the accounting industry. Meet professionals from firms ranging from private to industry!
Besides professional networking events, Accounting Society also holds social events, such as AS/BAP social or KBBQ socials, which allows members to meet new people in a casual setting!
The Bowling Tournament is a networking event where students get to bowl with professionals from all kinds of firms. This unique opportunity allows for networking in a more casual and fun setting!
Get to know your fellow Accounting Society members while learning more about the club and the opportunities we offer. It is a day of fun, food, and networking